Friday, July 5, 2013

So this is happening.

So. Today I decided that it's time to take food and exercise journaling to a different level. I have been struggling immensely with overcoming my issues surrounding fitness, and writing is a much better outlet than dealing with my struggles internally. Sorry MyFitnessPal. I love you, and I know I have logged in for 125 days straight, but you don't allow me to journal my thoughts on my food. Will this be interesting for anyone else? Probably not, but I'm hoping that maybe it will connect with and inspire at least 1 person out there. Plus, the thought that someone might read it may just keep me more accountable. So, the goal is that each day I will blog about what I did for exercise that day and also sharing my food log. This will likely be written throughout the day and published on the next day, because I don't foresee myself making it a point to publish my blog each night before bed. I also hope to document the day's struggles and temptations that I run into and my hope is that by doing so, I will be able to channel that into writing :) I will also maybe share some healthy recipes that I have tried along the way too! I don't have a nice camera anymore, so don't expect perfectly lit/shot photos to go along with everything! 

Tomorrow, we begin!!

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